Guides & Resources


An overview of top features, walking you through the entire process. Simple steps to save time and simplify tracking using LINKDRA platform. How to sign up and invite your team to run a coordinated connect campaign and more ..


Features covering Requirements, Contacts, Campaigns, Message templates, Team, Members and settings. A complete CRM suite for LinkedIn that simply works for a team with a central view.


Step by step guide to sign in and setup your account and connect with LinkedIn. No plugins or extensions. Instead use LINKDRA Desktop app to work with your every day use Chrome browser.


Smart search with automatic profile scoring to prioritize best matches for effective connects. Fine time with positive & negative keywords to tune searches for hundreds of combinations. Share and run them across your team.


Setting up messaging templates, personalization tips and automating message composition.


Steps to update CRM with accepted connects and merge into central contacts database.