LinkedIn to Marketing Automation

Ray| Posted in Product
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Product Release 20.7.2
Product Release 20.7.2

Some of the most popular CRM, Email Marketing, and Automation tools now ready for your LinkedIn contacts.

The very reason Linkdra exists is to make it easy for you to engage your professional network. Engagement is by definition broad but in the context, we are mostly talking about staying in touch. While sending messages within LinkedIn is possible, it takes time and then hard to track. Emails come in handy and the best way is to establish a warm introduction on LinkedIn, set the stage, and then move to a warm email connect.

This approach has many benefits over cold emails from bought out lists to several of those email finder tools. Cold emails get lower single digit response compared to a LinkedIn message that can get you anywhere from 20-60% response. This strategy works great when you are in the early days with not enough traffic to build your organic email lists. Instead of waiting, reach out on LinkedIn, and build your contact list.

This release takes it to the next level of convenience. Your contacts now go to your favorite marketing automation setup seamlessly. Activate it once and every time there an update to a contact, you are sure that gets pushed to your marketing system.

So how does this work?

Linkdra now supports API level integration with the platform before to push contact details with every update. When you activate for the first time, it pulls your historic contacts too up to 1000. Activation requires one-time authorization and that's it.

Building your LinkedIn contact list can't get easier than this including your existing contacts.

LinkedIn to HubSpot

Contacts with valid email go straight to your HubSpot contacts with title, summary, company, etc. Your CRM data starts building by itself. The real advantage is now everyone in your team can share contacts in one organization-wide list and that unlocks a key advantage. Now your sales and marketing team can quickly identify a new prospect and who in the team may have a prior connection to the individual or company.

LinkedIn to Mailchimp

Every time a contact gets created in Linkra you can now trigger an email message through Mailchimp. You can set up a standard thank you message or get technical with setting up tag-based rules to trigger different emails. Tags are automatically applied to contacts when you work with requirements.

LinkedIn to Pipedrive

Like HubSpot, Pipedrive CRM too gets seamless contacts from LinkedIn. Contact profile details get automatically populated taking away the pain of data entry.

Very handy when you don't have to type in profile details in your CRM. Data fills by itself.

LinkedIn to Salesflare

Another popular CRM known for its usability and smart data entry in the world of SMB CRM options. Salesflare now gets the additional advantage of LinkedIn profile data directly pushed in.

Besides these, Zapier connect makes it possible to take your contacts data to over 2000+ applications right from say Google Spreadsheet, Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, and even Airtable and more.

New profile filters

When reaching out to your 2nd and 3rd-degree connections, it is helpful to have a check on the activity levels of the profile. Some simple indicators can be the number of connections or even a picture on their profile. Perhaps a premium account. New filters take this job seamlessly so that when you send those connect requests out, you are automatically skipping the ones that are less likely to see your message.

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